Keogh Bay has undertaken a large number of Aged Care projects. Some examples are as follows:
Department of Health – NATSIFACP Training and Support Project – Keogh Bay undertook a significant remote aged care support project on behalf of the Department of Health. Through this project, Keogh Bay provided training and support to 47 NATSIFAC Program service providers to meet the new Aged Care Quality Standards (the Standards). Keogh Bay developed and delivered training on the new Standards, adapted training materials developed by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, undertook two site visits to each NATSIFACP Service Provider and provided ongoing support during the transition period.
Analysis of options for future delivery of remote disability and aged care services – Various remote service providers – Keogh Bay has undertaken several projects on behalf of remote aged care and disability service providers which considered the feasibility of future service delivery and workforce planning options in respect of the future delivery of aged care and NDIS services. Key to these deliberations was the synergies between future delivery of aged care services and NDIS services in remote locations.
Department of Health – Service Development Assistance Panel Aged Care – (various projects) – In previous roles, Keogh Bay Executive Directors Rae Samuel, Mark Kucharewicz and David Muller have undertaken a range of projects on behalf of the Department of Health to provide assistance to remote aged care providers under the Department’s Service Development Assistance Panel.
Kalano Flexible Aged Care – SDAP Project – Department of Health – Keogh Bay supported the Red Cross/Kalano Flexible Aged Care service through a SDAP project with the Department of Health focussing on: governance; compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards; and improving service delivery.
Department of Health – Support and Specialist Assistance to Silver Chain – Keogh Bay is currently delivering this Project to ensure there is sustainable model in place which provides Best Care to the Pilbara and communities of Kunawarritji, Punmu and Parnngurr.
Department of Health – National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program – Development of COVID -19 Response Materials. As a variation to the NATSIFACP Training and Support Project, Keogh Bay has developed a suite of online tools, templates, eLearning modules and educational videos to enable remote aged care providers to better understand and meet evolving government guidance and requirements in respect of the prevention and management of COVID19 outbreaks.
Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service – Completion of a feasibility study and development of an Aged Care Strategy for Broome – Keogh Bay worked with BRAMS to assess the feasibility of the organisation becoming an aged care provider and providing aged care services to local Aboriginal aged care consumers. The study confirmed that were was a market for such services, low levels of demand and strong synergies with other BRAMS services. Keogh Bay then developed a strategy for establishing such a service and the steps that were necessary in doing so.
BRAMS – Support in completing an Aged Care Provider Application – Keogh Bay worked with BRAMS to support the organisation through its application to become an Aged Care Provider. This involved the development of multiple additional policies and procedures as well as developing a service model for the organisation and assisting with completion of the application.
Spinifex Health Aged Care Strategy and support to transition to NATSIFAC funding – Keogh Bay worked with remote Aboriginal Medical Service, Spinifex Health (based in Tjuntjuntjarra) to support the organisation through its application to become an NATSIFAC program aged care provider. This involved the development of multiple additional policies and procedures as well as developing a service model for the organisation and assisting with completion of the application.
Vic Daly Regional Council– SDAP Project – Department of Health – Keogh Bay is currently supporting the Vic Daly Regional Council through a SDAP project with the Department of Health focussing on:
– governance;
– compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards; and
– improving service delivery
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