Keogh Bay Senior Consultant, Ben Laidlaw facilitating one of the introductory strategic planning workshops with Walangeri Board Members. Keogh Bay was engaged by NT Government (Department of the Chief Minister) and Walangeri Ngumpinku Aboriginal Corporation to...
Keogh Bay Senior Consultant, Ben Laidlaw facilitating introductory local decision-making discussions with Kardu Alliance Member Corporations in Wadeye Community Organisations, Local Government, the NT Government and the Australian Government all have key roles to play...
The Big Rivers Regional Coordination Committee is a forum that brings together senior NT Government representatives and key community leaders, including Roper Gulf Regional Council, Katherine Town Council, Victoria Daly Regional Council and the Australian Government...
Ben Laidlaw, Keogh Bay Senior Consultant speaking with school students on Bathurst Island about solar electricity and the Solar SETuP Program for remote NT communities. ARDS Aboriginal Corporation engaged Keogh Bay in 2016 to prepare comprehensive tender documentation...
Keogh Bay has undertaken numerous NDIS transition projects in regional and remote locations across all States and Territories in recent years. One of the recurring themes emerging from the more remote projects has been both, the recognition by all stakeholders of the...